John Mays' October 2024 President's Message


KREIA President John Mays previews our Oct. 24th main meeting, "Real Estate Law," which features attorneys Michelle Rawn and John Benz updating us on what landlords need to know, including info on Louisville's new Lead-Based Paint ordinance. REGISTER NOW if you haven't already!

John also shows us the gift card he received from Home Depot -- a benefit of KREIA that can more than pay for an annual KREIA membership! If you aren't already taking advantage of Home Depot's discounts, rebates and rewards, you're leaving a LOT of money on the table!

John Mays' September 2024 President's Message


John Mays previews our Sept. 26th main meeting, "Overcoming FEAR & Analysis Paralysis," which will motivate you to take the leap, if you're new, or offer new perspectives, if you're already investing. John also reveals that two special guests will be speaking: Kentucky House representatives Ryan Dotson and Susan Witten, who are landlord-friendly. Bring your questions!

John Mays' August 2024 President's Message


John Mays previews KREIA's Aug. 22 main meeting, featuring Frank & Tommi Miller. They're going to share their family's journey in real estate investing, and how it changed their lives. John also gives a heads-up on Frank & Tommi's Aug. 24 Workshop, where they'll introduce team members who made their success possible -- and show other investors how to build their own teams.

John also explains why we've had to raise the cost of KREIA's main meeting door fee by $5.

KREIA Elections 2024: Board Nomination and Voting Schedule


Ballot2024 KREIA Election Procedure and Deadlines

By Michelle R. Rawn

[Nominations for a KREIA board or officer position closed Thursday, May 23rd, at KREIA's main meeting. Online voting begins June 13th.]

View the 2024 preview ballot full-size (PDF)

It's that time of year again for the KREIA election. The Election Committee would like to inform you of the election procedure.

KREIA is run by a board of directors consisting of five officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Treasurer Elect), twelve at-large board members, the immediate Past President and the Parliamentarian.

The officer positions serve for a one-year term. While the at-large board members serve for a two-year term, with six new members being elected each year. The only exceptions are when an at-large board member chooses to run for an officer position before his/her two-year term has expired or has to resign prior to the end of his/her two-year term.

This yea

Q&A With Ed Gibson: Investor thanks his mentors and pays it forward


Ed Gibson"KREIA is the only organization I know of – and I've been around the world eight times – and I have never, in my life, seen a group of people work so hard to try to make you a millionaire. I’m not kidding you."

Ed Gibson was speaking from experience here, and he believes in paying it forward!

Ed is a longtime KREIA member, a past board member, a past Lunch & Learn host, and a patent-holding engineer. He’s married and has four children and six grandchildren.

He is also one of KREIA's biggest cheerleaders, and he credits his investing success to our group. He’s not a typical real estate investor – he divides his energies between the stock market and real estate, and he makes a great case for why he doesn't like to put all his eggs in one basket.

His take on the synergy of two-prong investing is fascinating, and I sat down with him a couple of months ago to pick his brain – coming away with almost 6,000 words of pure gold.

There wasn't room to fit the full interview in print and, trust me, you’ll want to read the whole thing. In the full transcript Ed talks about how he rehabs houses, he shares his investing strategy, gives specific recommendations, gives shoutouts to his many mentors, and offers solid advice.

If you're a KREIA member currently logged into your account, you can read the full interview here.

-- Lauren Willoughby


National REIA Now 1st Quarter Bulletin for 2024


National REIA's 1st Quarter UpdateNational REIA's Legislative Update for the first quarter of 2024 takes a look at a recent Harvard study that "has determined that rental markets are cooling after overheating for the last couple years. That the price increases have made more housing unaffordable, since wages didn’t go up as quickly. Which also means more people are being made homeless or in need of more rental assistance. Also, water is wet."

Click to download the update or read it online.

Other items in the Legislative Update include an overview of the housing market, property tax abatement, and water heater rules.

In the Benefits Update portion of this bulletin, National REIA takes a look at Home Depot. We at KREIA, along with National REIA, want to ensure you are taking advantage of your Home Depot Pro Xtra savings and rebates! Active rehabbers in our group have received thousands back from

National REIA Now 3rd Quarter Bulletin for 2023


National REIAWhat's happening with real estate on the national level that real estate investors should be tuned into? Check out the Legislative Update from National REIA, which notes that insurance costs have been rising around the country, especially in areas prone to hurricanes and flooding. (Recommendation: Consider increasing your deductible.)

Click to download the update or read it online.

Also in this issue you'll read about a trend in rent stabilization; HUD's $85 million fund to revamp zoning and expand housing; and a closer look at RentPerfect's iOS and Android apps, which help you screen applicants while on the go.

National REIA Now 2nd Quarter Bulletin for 2023


Naitonal REIAYour KREIA membership comes with many benefits as part of our association with National REIA. Rebates, volume pricing and savings from Home Depot are just a few of these benefits. Make sure you're taking full advantage of this partnership!

 Click to download the update or read it online.

This update also encourages investors to pursue out-of-the-box thinking. The Legislative Update outlines five key principles of President Biden's "Renter's Bill of Rights": 

Safe, quality, accessible and affordable housing
• Clear and fair leases
• Education, enforcement, and enhancement of renter rights
• The right to organize
• Eviction prevention, diversion, and relief