A Message From KREIA President Chris McCarty


Dear KREIA Members and Friends,

Please excuse the silence up to this point in regard to the current state of civil unrest in our city and nation. Like many, I haven't known what to do, but as a leader, I must speak out.

The latest racist events in our country and even here in Louisville have left me heartbroken, confused and angry yet again. The senseless killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery have reminded us all of the inequality and injustice in this country and this city. It is frightening and unacceptable that these inequalities have persisted for so long. It's time for change.

Let me be clear: KREIA doesn't tolerate racism or violence against Black people, and we demand inclusivity in all areas including Real Estate Investing. While I don't have all the answers right now, I am committed to being part of the long-term solution to combat the negative effects of systematic racism within our circle of impact here at KREIA.

While there will be much more action to come, we will begin by:

  • Creating a series of programs to educate, raise awareness and break the patterns of systematic racism in Metro Louisville Real Estate
  • Updating our Bylaws to include a strong statement of inclusivity and intolerance to racism and discrimination of any kind
  • Initiating a Scholarship fund to pay membership fees for first year minority Real Estate Investors as we help promote inclusivity in the organization Read More...

National REIA's Video Conference Call from June 5, 2020


Money is still available in the Payroll Protection Program and you have until June 30 to apply, advised Kevin Coughlin of Lexington Companies during the June 5 National REIA COVID-19 Update. If you've already applied and are now looking into how you can get as much loan forgiveness as possible, rules and requirements have changed recently in favor of business borrowers.

Charles Tassell advises caution as eviction courts reopen so that you don't run afoul of rules that apply to rentals that benefit from some sort of subsidy: Re-examine your loans to make sure you're following rules on when evictions can be filed and late fees charged.

Tyler Johnston of IDI demoed his company's skip-tracing service and gave REIA members a special URL to use for a 50% discount on their service.

NREIA Executive Director Rebecca McLean offered a national market update discussing trends.

See You at Noon 6-5-2020: Eric George


Rob Bergeron interviews KREIA Immediate Past President Eric George (aka "IPP") to find out how he started investing in real estate and what led him to specialize in student rentals.

Eric reveals that currently he and his wife, Christina, are focusing on investing in self-storage. He offers some tips on evaluating markets for that investment class, and also he names his mentor.

See You at Noon 5-29-2020: Follow-Up Friday


Rob Bergeron invites KREIA President Chris McCarty and Vice President John Jones to sum up our May 28th meeting, in which marketing expert Sharon Vornholt offered 12 ways to find off-market deals. John gave a testimonial revealing that much of his marketing efforts are based on Sharon's teachings. Chris offered some lessons he learned from the 2008 downturn and compared the situation to what investors face now with COVID-19. Lots of golden nuggets here!

April 2020 Main Meeting Replay


Here's the members-only video replay of the April 23rd main meeting -- KREIA's first ever virtual main meeting: The State of Kentuckiana Real Estate. 

We invited seven experts to research and present a topic relevant to Kentuckiana real estate investors in the wake of COVID-19:

• Attorney Michelle Rawn gave us the legislative update on the courts reopening
• Real estate agent Rob Bergeron looked at stats on home sales, both locally and nationally
• Lender Jordan Pohn discussed banks' changing lending requirements
• Property manager Erik Hitzelberger gave us the outlook for landlords
• Wholesaler Hampton Scurlock explored challenges facing home buyers and sellers
• Rehabber Frank Miller gave us a market perspective from a fix-and-flipper
• Airbnb host Luke Neubauer described the hard hit suffered by short term rental managers

This edited video replay includes the early meeting slideshow.

See You at Noon 5-22-2020: The Future


What does the immediate future hold for the real estate industry? Home prices and demand are fairly stable for now, but will that change? Rob Bergeron invites Mike Fallot of MM Lending -- a fix-and-flip private money lender for the Louisville, Cincinnati and Indianapolis markets -- to analyze data and predict what's coming down the pike.

Full PVA Search Free During COVID-19 Shutdown


One upside to the shutdowns related to the coronavirus is that the full-enchilada Jefferson County PVA search is now free for the time being. It normally costs $35 for 30 days of access or $10 for a day pass.

Got properties you want to look up? Want to see data you usually have to pay for? Check out the neighborhood sales lists, multiple photos of the property (including of the back of the house), plat maps, sales histories and more.

Check out all the PVA goodies at jeffersonpva.ky.gov

National REIA's Video Conference Call from May 8, 2020


Did you miss National REIA's May 8 video call? Catch the replay for updates on COVID-19 relief packages and a demo of the idiCORE skip-tracing system. There's also a short presentation from Georgia investor Tony Youngs on how he finds investment properties on the "hidden market" -- houses "even the owners didn't know were for sale."

During the presentation NREIA officials announced they're going to start holding these video calls every other week instead of weekly. The next call is scheduled for May 22.