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A Message From KREIA President Chris McCarty


Dear KREIA Members and Friends,

Please excuse the silence up to this point in regard to the current state of civil unrest in our city and nation. Like many, I haven't known what to do, but as a leader, I must speak out.

The latest racist events in our country and even here in Louisville have left me heartbroken, confused and angry yet again. The senseless killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery have reminded us all of the inequality and injustice in this country and this city. It is frightening and unacceptable that these inequalities have persisted for so long. It's time for change.

Let me be clear: KREIA doesn't tolerate racism or violence against Black people, and we demand inclusivity in all areas including Real Estate Investing. While I don't have all the answers right now, I am committed to being part of the long-term solution to combat the negative effects of systematic racism within our circle of impact here at KREIA.

While there will be much more action to come, we will begin by:

  • Creating a series of programs to educate, raise awareness and break the patterns of systematic racism in Metro Louisville Real Estate
  • Updating our Bylaws to include a strong statement of inclusivity and intolerance to racism and discrimination of any kind
  • Initiating a Scholarship fund to pay membership fees for first year minority Real Estate Investors as we help promote inclusivity in the organization
  • Forming an advisory committee to help the KREIA Board to better understand how KREIA can be a better resource in dismantling systematic racism in Louisville Metro Real Estate
  • Educate and inform our members of the history and practices of segregation and redlining of neighborhoods that have caused the geographic separation of races in our city adding to the challenges we continue to struggle with today.

I and the KREIA Board of Directors stand ready to accept your call, criticism or help to assure KREIA remains equally accessible to all members with their real estate investing and financial goals.

Chris McCarty

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