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Now You Can Get Manuals, ALL Videos, ALL FORMS, Case Studies
Absolutely EVERYTHING Shown Below and More
ALL On ONE USB FlashDrive!
- Production Costs and more Savings Passed On To YOU!
Reg. $897 - SAVE $400 Now! Only $497
Manual plus 10 Videos (8 hours, 45 minutes), and forms!
Case Studies with Examples to make it easy for you.
Your Instructors are Carl Fischer of CamaPlan and Mike Butler
includes comprehensive manual with examples how to write your offers to buy real estate using your Cama Plan Roth IRA.
Here is the list of mp4 videos and files on your Jump Start Your IRA DVD
Listed above are the mp4 videos and files on your DVD.
Your first 6 videos are the “Jump Start Your IRA in 14 Days” unedited video replays of the six part series including Question and Answer sessions. You will also get to see how Carl Fischer and Mike Butler structured a 21 rental house purchase into “Ralph’s” Roth IRA for Tax Free Profit and Income for LIFE!
Case Study of Teresa’s two great real estate deals transformed into her killer deals of the decade by making her CAMA PLAN ROTH IRA the buyer of her two great deals.
HAS – Health Savings Account is awesome and a must have for you and your family. Hampton Scurlock, certified financial planner, attended Carl Fischer’s Saturday Seminars and is a very sharp investor as well. Make sure you watch this 27 minute video showing you exactly how the HAS works for you and benefits you right now!
Video Bonus – How To Buy Real Estate in Your ROTH IRA – this video is in addition to the 6 part training series. Mike Butler shows you in a simple, step by step process, exactly how to do it two different ways. The first is simple by making your CAMA PLAN ROTH IRA as your buyer. The second method is making your 5M Land Trust the real buyer “Owner of Record” and making your CAMA PLAN ROTH IRA the beneficiary. This is very powerful as it keeps your name, your ira, OFF of public records.
FORM - Simple 1 Page Offer used to make offers to buy real estate using your Cama Plan ROTH IRA
FORM - Assignment of Contract - after you put a deal together with your CAMA PLAN ROTH IRA as the buyer, you can use this 1 page form to "sell your contract" to another buyer for a fee... allowing to put your assignment fee into your Cama Plan ROTH IRA tax free.
CAMA PLAN ROTH IRA Application Kit
PHOTOS of 3 examples of How to Write Your Offers to Buy Real Estate Using Your ROTH IRA (or Education IRA or Health Savings Account)
EXTRA BONUS DVD - Full Day Seminar with Carl Fischer - unedited mp4 videos!
Make a Very Small Investment Now to Gain The Knowledge for Tax Free Profit & Income for Life!
As Carl Fischer says
"Here is Your Opportunity to Pay Taxes on Your Seeds instead of Your Crops!"
Order Now: $897.00