Heads Up fellow KREIA Members. There are many laws, rules, and regulations already passed and pending affecting real estate owners and landlords.
MAYOR Fischer has proposed a new 15% tax on insurance premiums. A fellow KREIA member had a multi-acre tract of land already under contract for a large out of town developer and his buyer backed out of the deal because of this new proposed tax by the Mayor.
Please contact all of the council people who represent the area where you own real estate and let them know to cut their budget just like me and you have to do when our income changes. Let them know to not touch public services like police, fire, ems and first responders. Tell them to whack all of the extra departments the Mayor has added to Metro Louisville.
Take a look at Metro Louisville Budget ending in summer of 2018. Call your Council Person and cut the highlighted areas and keep all public services. (Excerpt from 185 page budget)

Click to VIEW Kentucky State Laws Legislative Update involving Real Estate 14-page PDF